Kartun Pemetaan Komuniti
Animasi ini menceritakan tentang masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Orang Asli dan bagaimana mereka mempertahankan tanah dan wilayah adat mereka. Diadaptasikan dari buku komik ‘Kartun Kisah Pemetaan Komuniti’ karya Abri Yok Chopil & Sinui Pai Nanek Sengik (SPNS), terbitan Pusat KOMAS. Video ini adalah hasil produksi bersama UndiMsia! dan Pusat KOMAS.
This animation tells the story of the struggles of the Orang Asli and how they defend their rights to their ancestral and customary land. It is adapted from the ‘Kartun Kisah Pemetaan Komuniti’ which was originally written by Abri Yok Chopil and Sinui Pai Nanek Sengik (SPNS), and published by Pusat KOMAS. This video is co-produced with Pusat KOMAS.
Deklarasi Hak Orang Asal Antarabangsa (UNDRIP)
Dirakam di Perayaan Hari Orang Asal Sedunia Malaysia 2013 di mana Orang Asal dari seluruh Malaysia berkongsi pendapat mengenai hak-hak orang asal yang tertera dalam Deklarasi Hak Orang Asal Antarabangsa (UNDRIP).
Recorded at the 2013 National Indigenous People’s Day Celebration, Orang Asal communities from all over Malaysia shares their experiences and opinions about their rights as outlined in the United Nations Declaration on The Rights of The Indigenous People (UNDRIP).
Infovideo 3: Aku peduli isu perumahan!
Infovideo 2: Aku peduli sistem pendidikan!
Infovideo 1: Kebebasan Bersuara: Pastikan ia bebas!
Infovideo 1: Freedom of Expression – Keep it free
UndiMsia! : Macam mana ni? (Bab 2)
UndiMsia! : Macam mana ni? (Bab 1)
Move with us!
UndiMsia! is the first-of-its-kind civic education programme in Malaysia, aimed at strengthening the ownership, participation and representation of youths on their right to vote and civic responsibility. Its goal is for youths to develop critical thinking and solve issues affecting them through effective forms of activism.
Projects under UndiMsia! are designed based on four pillars; information, process, action and platform for a coalition of civil society.