The MCCHR website is undergoing a redesign. For assistance, please get in touch with us by email at [email protected].
Visit our social media platforms for info on our upcoming events.
The MCCHR is a non-partisan and non-profit organisation. It was established on 19 March 2011 with the mission of providing an integrated approach towards the protection and promotion of human rights in Malaysia via its UndiMsia!, strategic litigation and strategic legislative advocacy programmes.
The MCCHR aims to bring about broader pro-human rights changes in society and within the law through strategic litigation on selected areas of human rights; freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, right to fair trial, equality and non-discrimination, freedom of religion and protection of human rights defenders.
It also provides strategic litigation training workshops to law students, pupils-in-chamber and lawyers on a regular basis.
UNDIMSIA! is the first-of-its-kind civic education program in Malaysia, aimed at strengthening the ownership, participation and representation of youths on their right to vote and civic responsibility.
Its goal is for youths to develop critical thinking and solve issues affecting them through effective forms of activism. Projects under UndiMsia! are designed based on four pillars; information, process, action and platform for a coalition of civil society.
MCCHR aims to strengthen network and coordination among CSOs in Malaysia, fostering collaboration and engagement between civil society and the government. By engaging experts and multi-level stakeholders, MCCHR works on developing technical proposals to recommend law and policy reforms to the government. Additionally, it organizes closed-door dialogues and roundtable consultations between CSOs and key policymakers.
We aim to increase awareness and understanding on the important issues affecting our society. Hence, we have designed a community space dedicated to youths, NGOs, and other civil society groups to organise events that support and enhance our mission.
Our Resource Centre is aimed to provide the resources and space for the rakyat (people) especially youths to increase their knowledge on their rights, the law, history, and democracy, in line with our mission to strengthen the protection of human rights and to raise awareness on issues that matter among youths in Malaysia.
The Resource Centre’s collections now contain more than 1,800 titles on various topics and includes law reports, human rights reports, and periodicals.
If you have any questions, please contact the team at [email protected].