Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Baseline Survey of the Orang Asli Community in Hulu Langat


Since 2011, the Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (MCCHR), through its civic education project UndiMsia! has been organising activities in the Hulu Langat parliamentary constituency to gauge and increase the community’s awareness as well as their participation in the local democratic process. The baseline study was conducted with the aim to gauge the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of the orang asli community in Hulu Langat regarding their engagement with elected leaders and human rights. The findings of the KAP baseline study will be used to develop different forms of information, education and communication (IEC) materials in order to provide concise and easily digestible information on an array of issues using a human rights framework that is appropriate to the level of literacy and understanding of the community. Click here for the KAP Baseline Report.

UndiMsia! is the first-of-its-kind civic education programme in Malaysia, aimed at strengthening the ownership, participation and representation of youths on their right to vote and civic responsibility. Its goal is for youths to develop critical thinking and solve issues affecting them through effective forms of activism.

Projects under UndiMsia! are designed based on four pillars; information, process, action and platform for a coalition of civil society.