Leaderonomics is a unique social enterprise with a core mission of transforming nations through leadership development. We sustain ourselves by working alongside corporations and the business world and we channel our proceeds to deserving communities impacting the youth and under-privileged.

We believe that no one is born a leader but leadership is learnt through experiences and life’s journey. We believe that everyone can be a leader. There is a science to building leaders and we work with youth, university students, adults and everyone to help them become better leaders.  We also know that the key to leadership is the ability to make decisions.

Voting is an important decision that everyone needs to partake in.  We in Leaderonomics support UndiMsia! and their vision to enable everyone to become a leader through voting.  For more information on Leaderonomics and our programmes for youth and organisations, visit or email [email protected]

Are you a first time voter? Is politics too complicated and dirty for you? You are not alone. Voting isn’t all about politics. It is simply about you having a say in matters that affect your everyday life.

What matters to you? The price of a university education? The price of owning your first car? Do you ever wonder how these decisions that affect you are made?

What Do You Want? addresses the issues you are most invested in: education, governance, economy, and society.

Check out some of the questions raised by your own peers. It will help you understand how policies are crafted. Once you have learnt enough, start asking your own questions by using the ‘Suggest A Question Here!’ link on our website. There is always an answer to why things are the way they are, and how you can possibly change it.

Pusat KOMAS sedang melaksanakan program pendidikan kewarganegaraan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran hak-hak asasi manusia berdasarkan urustadbir baik dan meningkatkan penyertaan rakyat dalam urustadbir kerajaan.

Pusat KOMAS juga telah menghasilkan kompilasi alat media popular seperti video, buku kartun, poster dan sebagainya untuk membawa mesej ini kepada masyarakat umum. Kami secara aktif mengadakan bengkel-bengkel kewarganegaraan dan pendidikan pengundi untuk mencapai matlamat ini.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari

Have you registered as a voter? Have you got a Voice for your Choice?

Voice Your Choice is a movement striving to bring transformation to our nation by garnering people to register as voters and to VOTE! We are non-partisan, and aim to register 2 million young Malaysian voters by the end of 2011.

The reason we believe people should be registered as voters and ultimately, vote is because we believe everyone should have the ability to Voice their Choice when the time comes. We believe that everyone has a say in how the country is run, and that voting is the best way to express our opinions and make our voices heard. We believe that in a democratic nation, the peoples’ voice MUST be heard for truth and justice to prevail.

Voice Your Choice is a peoples’ platform to enable transformation they see is needed in their own communities.

For more information: or contact [email protected]

Did you know fewer than 4 out of every 10 policemen are actively involved in crime prevention?

Or that without gas subsidies, the cost of electricity from our independent power producers (IPPs) would be 57% more than in Singapore?

Did you realise that the estimated RM50 billion+ cost of the proposed MRT could have been completely paid for with the amount spent on fuel and other blanket subsidies in the last two years?

How the police are deployed, how big our subsidy bill should be and how we spend it and whether IPPs should be molly-coddled are all government policies. Government policies are not just fancy acronyms – NKRA, ETP, GTP, NEM …. Government policies translate into everyday reality – how safe we feel, the traffic jams we endure, how much we pay our mobile phone operator…

REFSA believes government policies should reflect our wishes and ambitions and be economically wise. And REFSA is here to provide the relevant facts and pertinent analysis to help Malaysians engage our political leaders in open and constructive discussions that result in effective policies.

Visit for further details.

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) is a human rights NGO in Malaysia working for a peaceful, free, equal, just and sustainable society by a process of empowering people to uphold human rights. We believe in the need to institute a Malaysia steeped in human rights.

SUARAM also continues to lobby for the restoration of local government elections, to institutionalise mechanisms for civil society to engage the Federal and State governments, and to promote transparency and accountability in governance.

SUARAM is here to stand with you, for human rights, be it your own, your friends’ or our communities’. Together, let us work for a better and brighter future for Malaysia.

Check us out at

The Centre for Public Policy Studies (CPPS) is an independent and non-partisan public policy institute that aims at fostering open-minded dialogue, enlightened leadership and better governance. The belief underpinning the establishment of the CPPS is that the challenge of building a cohesive, competitive and successful multi-racial Malaysian society can best be met by open discussion buttressed by rigorous analytical work and a spirit of tolerance and respect for the needs and aspirations of all stakeholders in the country.

Presently, the persistence of deep divides and disparities in a wide array of fronts – such as education, employment, health care, housing and infrastructure – points to the urgent need for better strategies and new policies to address systemic inadequacies. These divides and disparities are found not only in the economic sectors, but also in the social and cultural spheres. Through an innovative mix of policy research, strategic communications and targeted outreach, the Centre’s mission is to engage and educate the public and policy makers on best practice policies and successful change strategies that can ensure inclusive development for all Malaysians.

For more information, see our website

The MyConstitution (PerlembagaanKu) campaign is a nationwide campaign to educate and empower the rakyat and create greater awareness about the Federal Constitution.

MyConstitution is guided by the observation that the Constitution covers almost every aspect of Malaysian life, from the simple right to freedom of movement to the right to elect the government. The Constitution is the primary document that defines us as a nation and preserves the central pillars of democratic governance. Every Malaysian is a beneficiary of its promise of constitutionalism and of democratic governance, and therefore all Malaysians must be armed with knowledge and understanding of the Constitution.

The core activities of the Campaign are:

• to distribute a series of  nine (9) pocket size booklets – The Rakyat Guides (RGs)– on selected themes of the Federal Constitution;

• to distribute a series of nine (9) public service advertisements – Rakyat Service Advertisements (RSAs) – on selected themes of the Federal Constitution; and

• to host a series of awareness-raising and interest-building programmes on the Federal Constitution through talks, workshops, dialogues, forums and lectures.

MyConstitution is an initiative by the Bar Council’s Constitutional Law Committee which comprises lawyers, academics, students, media personnel, activists and members of the public.

For more information, visit our website at

Malaysia is our home, we care, and we want to make it better.

Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) is a people’s movement that promotes freedom and equality for all Malaysians. We were borne of our love and faith in our nation and its people.

We are laypersons, commoners and citizen volunteers. We may be faceless but not spineless. We are of diverse backgrounds, have different temperaments, and are of different shapes, sizes and ages. We are different, yet the same no less. We celebrate our diversity and embrace it in unity.

We are a non-partisan movement critical of the socio-political environment we live in today.

We call on all to claim our rights, exercise them and vote in the coming elections for a better home.


Amnesty International Malaysia adalah sebahagian dari pergerakan global Amnesty International yang terdiri dari 2.8 juta ahli, penyokong dan aktivis di lebih 150 negara dan wilayah yang berkempen untuk menghentikan pencabulan hak-hak asasi manusia.

Visi kami adalah bagi setiap individu untuk menikmati semua haknya seperti yang termaktub dalam Deklarasi Hak-Hak Asasi Manusia Sejagat, dan undang-undang hak-hak asasi manusia antarabangsa dan kebangsaan yang lain. Kami tidak berpihak dengan mana-mana kerajaan, ideologi politik, fahaman agama dan ekonomi. Aktiviti kami dibiayai oleh ahli dan derma awam.

Di Malaysia kami amat giat dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dan pemahaman mengenai hak-hak asasi terutamanya di kalangan belia yang akan menerajui negara. Ini termasuklah hak-hak ekonomi, sosial, budaya dan politik. Dengan bergandingan bersama persatuan-persatuan dan individu-individu lain seperti UndiMsia!, kami berharap Malaysia akan menjadi pendokong utama dalam mempertahankan hak-hak asasi manusia.


TindakMalaysia is an electoral reform movement dedicated to upholding the principle of clean, free and fair elections.

Our programmes include educating Malaysians about their voting rights, campaigning to amend the Federal Constitution, election laws and regulations to create a level playing field for all political parties and training polling, counting and barung agents (PACABAS) to assist election candidates during elections to ensure the polling process is properly conducted.

Find us at

The Sinar Project is an initiative using open technology and applications to systematically make important information public and more accessible to the Malaysian people.

The Project aims to improve governance and encourage greater citizen involvement in the public affairs of the nation by making the Malaysian Government more open, transparent and accountable.

Check us out at

Do Something Good (DSG) aims to bridge the gap between volunteers and social organisations by providing a central place where volunteers are able to find volunteering opportunities, and to assist organisations manage their volunteers.

Citizen education and mobilisation are furthered by a number of causes on the DSG platform. Citizens are able to easily search for projects, contribute in their neighbourhood (or beyond) and create their own initiatives.

DSG also intends to transform the way volunteering happens by making it a lifestyle choice through the social media such as Facebook, and by accessing real time and mobile volunteering information.

Our site is here at

myHarapan is the Youth Trust Foundation dedicated towards empowering young Malaysians by supporting youth projects and initiatives that contribute to current nation-building efforts. We achieve this through providing various platforms and opportunities that help them scale, sustain, expand and multiply their impact.

However, the age of these youths sometimes skew the judgment of certain quarters of the public and even themselves! The fate of our country lies in their very able hands, therefore it is essential that we inspire this section of society to look beyond their perceived limitations and be well-rounded individuals.

This includes in the field of voter education, especially crucial given the oft-tumultuous local political climate. Wilful ignorance of one’s rights and responsibilities only serves to embolden those who abuse and violate them.

Get in touch with us to discover how you can change things for the better in this land we call home:

All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) is an independent feminist organisation committed to improving the lives of women in Malaysia.

Our mission is to inform, connect and mobilise those interested in securing women’s rights, bringing about equality among men and women, and supporting women in crisis. We also build the capabilities of those who work for the empowerment of women and social transformation.

AWAM develops programmes to gain a foothold in accessing women’s rights in order to build a gender-equal society. These include counselling services, legal assistance, training and public education to create and spread awareness on issues of violence against women. We also actively lobby policymakers and advocate for improved legislation and practices by bringing forward the concerns of women.

AWAM envisions a society free of violence. Join us and contribute to this vision. To learn more, visit is a platform for environmental movements in Malaysia, a central hub where you can find events, actions, articles and announcements related to green issues in all parts of Malaysia. This is a platform where you get a bird’s eye view of the efforts for a greener Malaysia. We connect people  who are organising events and actions to people who want to participate.

It is critical for Malaysian voters to understand environmental issues that are plaguing the world, and to connect themselves with people who are working on such issues. The upcoming decades will be very challenging for the younger generations, who will be facing global issues of climate change and resource scarcity. For this, we need to bring about a higher awareness of environmental issues and sustainable development among Malaysians, so that they will push for change at the policy level.

Voice of the Children (VoC) is a child advocacy NGO that works with like-minded organisations providing direct services to children, and with policy-makers and implementers towards long-term sustainable change. VoC strives to act as a bridge between children and policy-makers and implementers, advocating for the best interests of children and their protection within our legal and policy framework.

VoC has taken on a number of children’s rights issues in Malaysia, including the growing trend of statelessness, undocumented children denied access to basic needs (e.g. public education and healthcare), as well as child protection within the legal and care system. This advocacy manifests itself by, among others, press releases, researched reports, children’s books, rights awareness events and collaborative partnerships.

VoC also engages in a range of programmes and activities to ensure that children’s rights are understood, protected and respected.

To learn more about VoC and its work, see

UndiMsia! is the first-of-its-kind civic education programme in Malaysia, aimed at strengthening the ownership, participation and representation of youths on their right to vote and civic responsibility. Its goal is for youths to develop critical thinking and solve issues affecting them through effective forms of activism.

Projects under UndiMsia! are designed based on four pillars; information, process, action and platform for a coalition of civil society.