by | Jan 26, 2018 | Strategic Legislative Advocacy
The Law Reform Process The PeopleACT published its Issues Paper on cyberharassment, cyber violence, and other harmful cyber behaviour on 8 April 2017, which served as a consultation document to obtain views and opinions from stakeholders on whether current laws in...
by | Apr 8, 2017 | Strategic Legislative Advocacy
This issues paper was released to the public on 8 April 2017. ISSUES PAPER ON CYBER-HARASSMENT, CYBER VIOLENCE AND OTHER HARMFUL CYBER BEHAVIOUR BACKGROUND AND ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED The growing use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has become a...
by | Apr 8, 2017 | Strategic Legislative Advocacy
INTRODUCTION The PeopleACT’s strategic legislative advocacy campaign against cyberharassment conducted a national survey from 8 June to 31 December 2016. The purpose of the survey is two-fold: to learn about the respondents’ online behaviour, how they understand...
by | Mar 8, 2017 | Strategic Legislative Advocacy
PeopleACT is an UndiMsia! intiative. It is run by a group of human rights defenders from different non-profit organisations in Malaysia. Its mission is to make the cyber environment a safer, more respectful and empowering space for Malaysians through strategic...
by | Mar 8, 2017 | Strategic Legislative Advocacy
The incidents below are summary of some of the real cases of online harassment documented by PeopleACT. The names of the survivor and perpetrator have been changed for confidentiality purposes. The full report of the documentation will be published soon. Incident 1:...